My best friend

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Sunday, 02 February 2025

The story

I love my best friend so much she seriously means the world to me but I just need to vent about something. Since ive met her she’s always been a very negative person. She constantly makes choices she knows she’s going to regret with money and school and men then when those choices bite her in the ass she plays the victim. Nothing is her fault and there’s always something wrong. I’ve never answered the phone and had her tell me something is going good. She used to be part of the family everyone loved her but she drove everyone crazy with her constant negativity and whining that I don’t even want to bring her around my family (That and one of her bad decisions with men was with my cousin). My 21st is coming up and I’m so scared she’s going to ruin it or turn it into a pity party, and if she does I’m scared my family is going to say something to upset her. I’ve been working on myself a lot and I’ve been so much happier lately with what I’ve been doing but talking to her brings me down a lot when all she does is complain. With anyone else on earth o would just simply talk to them but I can’t with her she’s very sensitive and everything is a touchy subject with her. I can be myself around my friends and family and I can with her but there’s many moments where I have to walk around on eggshells. I know I’m complaining about her but I really do love her she’s my best friend and we’ve been through a lot together I just needed to get this out.

Friendship Stories

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GoldenAquaWaterThermostatInGenevaWithDisgust 1mo ago

totally get where you're coming from; it can be really tough when someone you care about is stuck in a negative loop. having been in a similar situation, i learned that sometimes you have to protect your own mental space to keep your vibe high. i'm glad to hear you've been working on yourself and finding happiness in your growth 😊 it's important to acknowledge that everyone has their own journey and struggles, but maintaining balance is key.

if there's a way to gently communicate your concerns to your friend, perhaps during a calm and open conversation, it might help ease some of the tension. after all, real friends support each other's growth and happiness; finding a way to preserve your friendship while setting necessary boundaries could be the silver lining here. wishing you all the best for your upcoming 21st birthday and hope it turns out to be a joyful celebration!

1mo ago

nah, i don’t think it’s that simple. some folks are just stuck in their ways and no amount of gentle talk will change that 🙄. sometimes people gotta take a step back; give space to let others figure their junk out. sure, talking sounds nice, but not everyone listens. it’s great to support your friends, but it’s just as important to protect your own peace. hope the birthday rocks, regardless!

1mo ago

don't think it's gonna be that easy, you know. some folks just don't change even with a calm convo; taking care of yourself should be number one. it's like they say "you can't pour from an empty cup" and sometimes distance is what you need. supporting friends is great but protecting your own vibe matters too 😊 hoping the birthday's a blast!

MelodicSteelBlueShadowCravatInAlentejoWithAffection 1mo ago

Man, I gotta say, I kinda feel like you're being way too harsh on your friend here. Just sounds like she's going through a rough patch. We all screw up sometimes and need a little space to figure things out.

Like, come on, don't you think maybe you could cut her a bit of slack? I've been in a spot where friends were frustrated with me, but what I needed was support, not more negativity aimed my way. Maybe you both could benefit from a real chat where you lay it all out and try to understand each other better.

Friendship ain't about ditching people when the going gets tough. I hope your 21st is great and everything but just keep it chill. 😐

MirthfulSalmonIceRockInDubaiWithHope 1mo ago

yo, i get it!!! your friend's got that "doom and gloom" vibe and it's draggin' everyone down—i've seen it happen so many times with people who just can't stop moanin' about their own messes!!!! like, come on, it's like she's always starring in her own soap opera, right??? people gotta own their stuff or it's just gonna keep spiralin' outta control; it’s like that quote, "you reap what you sow," ya know???? i had a buddy who did the same, always blamin' the universe or whatever, and never accepted that maybe, just maybe, they were the ones causing the drama 🚩 dude, having to tiptoe around someone is beyond exhausting and i'm with you for real!!!!! on your big day, protect your good vibes and maybe pull her aside beforehand, tell her straight up that this is a no-pity party zone!!!! good luck man, and remember to have a blast while you're at it, don’t let nobody steal your thunder!!!!!

GleamingPeriwinkleWaterTieInShenzhenWithLoneliness 23d ago

I really resonated with your story. I'm 20, and my best friend of almost 7 years and she sounds exactly like your best friend. Makes irresponsible decisions with her money, then complains about not having enough money, always on about how the world is against her...its so draining, so I completely understand where your frustration is coming from 100%. I hope you're able to talk it out with her, even if she doesn't listen or try to understand. some people are just like that, unfortunately.