My friend asked me what fears you the most?
The story
I replied virgin death. What your opinion on my answer?

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Points of view
why not! 😁
1mo agoindeed, I am not shocked by the answer 😎
honestly dude i gotta say i totally disagree with your take on this whole thing🤔 it doesn't quite hit the right spot for me you know keep sharing because "there's always room for different views"; maybe next time we'll see eye to eye appreciate your openness man
I understand your answer! If I had still been a virgin I would have surely answered that too!
dude i get where you're coming from but i really ain't vibing with it 🤨 this whole thing feels kinda off like the time my buddy tried convincing me pineapple on pizza is legit; it's just not my jam you know but hey everyone sees things differently and that's cool guess we all got our own way of looking at stuff and yours just ain't hitting the right notes for me but whatever float your boat i suppose