what will i look like in the future? 😑
The story
i dont even like looking in the mirror anymore. like fr, every time i do, i just find something else to hate. my nose looks weird, my face is too round, my skin is never clear, and dont even get me started on my hair. it’s like the more i grow up, the uglier i get. when i was a kid i didn’t care, i used to smile at my reflection and not think twice. now i just stare at it and feel worse. everyone says “ur beautiful in ur own way” but i dont see it. all i see is someone who’s never gonna be that pretty girl, the one everyone looks at, the one people say wow she’s gorgeous about. and what scares me is that if i already feel this bad about how i look at 16, what am i gonna look like when i’m older? what if it gets worse? what if im one of those ppl who peak in middle school and then just get uglier and older until no one even notices them anymore??
i see girls at school and on insta and they’re all so perfect. like seriously, how do they do it?? their skin glows, their makeup is flawless, even their “casual” outfits look like they came outta a magazine. meanwhile, i look like a potato most days. even when i try to get ready and look nice, i still feel like i dont compare. i’ll take a bunch of selfies and delete all of them. nd then i look at old pics of me from like a year or two ago and i already look diff—and not in a good way. like my face changed and not the way i wanted. nd then i start thinkin like, what if this keeps happening? what if every year i just keep lookin less and less like someone worth looking at? it’s not just about being pretty. it’s about feelin confident. nd i dont feel that at all. i feel like i’m slowly turning into someone invisible.
sometimes i’ll be scrolling and see those “glow up” videos and they just make me wanna cry. like good for them but what if that never happens to me? what if i stay the weird lookin girl with the awkward smile and the body i dont even understand? i feel like people just expect us to grow up and magically turn into these beautiful women, but what if i never do? what if i just stay this unsure, insecure mess forever? i try to tell myself that beauty isn't everything, that what matters is inside, blah blah—but it’s hard when literally everyone is judging everyone based on looks, even if they dont say it out loud. boys don’t talk to me unless it’s for help with homework. girls don’t compliment me the way they do each other. no one says “u look pretty today” to me. so how am i supposed to believe i’m beautiful in the future when i don’t even feel it now?
i kno people change and grow nd maybe i’ll feel better about myself one day, but right now? i’m scared. scared of what i’ll look like when im 20, 25, 30. scared that nothing will change or that it’ll change the wrong way. scared that everyone around me will glow up and move on and be admired while i’m just… there. the girl who could’ve been cute but wasn’t. nd maybe that sounds dumb, but it’s real to me. i just wanna feel pretty one day, like actually believe it without doubting every second. i want to wake up, look in the mirror, and smile for once. maybe that’s too much to ask. but it’s what i want. and i hope, more than anything, that future me isn’t still feeling this way. cuz that would hurt more than anything.

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Points of view
omg i totally feel u... no joke, it's like everywhere u look there's these perfect humans while im here like bruh... what happened? idk... why society's like this? always comparing and stuff?
like im def not the fairest of them all either been there thought thats the way it is... but listen, my cuz once told me beauty ain't just what's outside... reminds me of that saying: beauty is only skin deep!!! lol but fr i think we just gotta ride the wave and hope for the best!
remember the story with the ugly duckling: u never know, maybe we just late bloomers???!! gotta hang in there and keep hustling!
been there, felt that, it's rough out here, no lie. sometimes feels like we're all in this messed up beauty contest, right? but like my old art teacher said, "beauty is in the eye of the beholder." sure, you might not see it now, but that don’t mean it ain't there. it's kinda like those plot twists in movies that you totally don't see coming and then bam, it all makes sense. you're just in the middle of the story, ya know? i've had days where i'm like, "ugh why do i even bother," but then other days, i see a spark of something good. it's all about the journey, fam, one step at a time. keep your head up and don't let the mirror be the boss of you. that glow-up might be taking a little road trip before it hits ya 😉.
I understand where you are coming from; however, I respectfully disagree with the perspective you've expressed. The notion of beauty conveyed through social media is often unrealistic and curated, a concept perpetuated by "filters" and "angles" that do not define genuine human value. One's worth is not encapsulated merely by physical appearance, as the wisdom of "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" suggests. Emerging research in psychology underscores that self-perception is often skewed by societal pressures, leading many to undermine their own unique attributes. Embracing one's individuality and focusing on personal growth and self-compassion can foster a deeper confidence. Everyone has beauty in their distinct way, and allowing time for self-awareness and inner strength to blossom is invaluable...
i understand your feelings, but i have a different perspective. focusing too much on appearance can be harmful. in psychological terms, this is often called "body dysmorphia." many people struggle with it. as the saying goes, "beauty is more than skin deep." it's important to remember that looks are not the only measure of worth. people value kindness, intelligence, and creativity too. try not to compare yourself to others online; social media often shows an idealized image. beauty standards are not real life. each person has unique strengths and qualities that make them special. 😊