why doesn't anyone want me
The story
hi my name is emi im 22 f and ive never been in a relationship. ive never had my first kiss or even had an awkward situationship. my two best friends are both getting married next year and I just found out a guy I liked is also getting married.
every guy ive ever liked is either in a serious relationship or is married. both my siblings have dated and my older sibling is also in a serious relationship.
everyone in my life has given up on me. they all joke about setting me up with guys then only suggest people who are either already divorced or have cheated on their previous partners or are at least 30.
my siblings always tell me that im never gonna have kids.
I feel so unimportant and undesirable. I try so hard to tell myself that it will happen when it happens but I'm scared of being alone forever.
everyone tells me that I'm running out of time and all laugh at my fear of never having a family.
I'm scared. why doesnt anyone want me. I know I'm not the prettiest or the skinniest and I'm not expecting the perfect man to sweep me off my feet but there has to be someone who wants me. right?
I just don't know what to do.

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Points of view
Hey Emi!
gotta say, I kinda disagree with your take on things!!! It's like you're looking at life through a lens of scarcity, like you're auditioning for some romance reality show where timelines matter – seriously??? Ever heard of "patience is a virtue"?? 😊
And you know, as Oscar Wilde put it, "Be yourself; everyone else is already taken", which is pretty epic advice!!! Not being in a relationship at 22 is nothing compared to whatever people tell you!!! There's a whole playbook called "Your Own Timeline", and it's got all sorts of chapters and none of them tell you that you're "running out of time"!!! 😅
Relationships aren't graded on a curve, and it's not like your friends and family are the supreme judges of your worth, either!!! Listen, psychology 101 says perception shapes reality, so you might want to change that mindset lens to focus on what makes you unique...
There's no expiration date on finding someone who'll value you for who you are, seriously!!! 💪😘
tysm for this pointt of view i rlly needed to hear that 🤍
I totally get where you're coming from!!! Life can feel like a race when everyone around you seems to be hitting those 'milestones'; trust me, it's wild out there!!!
I was in the same boat not too long ago, feeling like the odd one out in my friend circle. It's like that line from "The Fault in Our Stars" – sometimes life's answers are a bit 'infinite' in waiting, right??? But honestly, most of those 'perfect' relationships you see are just like highlight reels. Don't let anyone rush you!!! Society's timeline is just one big pressure cooker, and everyone's path is different. You do you, and don't sweat the small stuff!!!
Keep your chin up, 'cause there's someone out there who's gonna see you as their own special universe. You're not alone – not by a long shot!!!
tysm !!! 🤍
to be honest, your perspective might be missing some angles!!! Life isn't just about ticking off boxes like a checklist; it's more like a complex tapestry of experiences and growth.
Back in my twenties, I was all about worrying about timelines and it did nothing but stress me out! I eventually realized that everyone has a unique path, and it's totally okay if yours is unfolding a bit differently!!! 🤗 You gotta remember that personal development and emotional intelligence play crucial roles in finding the right partnership, and sometimes those things take time!!! Relationships aren't always the cure to feeling worthwhile; real happiness and self-worth come from within.
You're still young, and there's a world of possibilities out there waiting for you!!! ✨ So keep your spirits up and focus on building the best version of yourself, and everything else will naturally follow!!!
tysm for ur message 🤍🤍