New Beginnings Turn Sour: Family Drama Overseas

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Tuesday, 03 September 2024

The story

Three years into our marriage, my husband Mark and I, along with our young son, decided to relocate from Canada to Germany due to economic issues at home. We settled in Hannover, close to where Mark grew up. The move was exciting, and initially, everything felt like a fresh start.

The day after our arrival, we visited Mark’s family—it was only my second time meeting them since our wedding. They welcomed us warmly, making quite a fuss over my son, which was endearing at first. However, in the subsequent months, things took a turn. During our visits, I noticed they would often switch to German when discussing me—commenting on my appearance, my style, and even my pregnancy, which I was already sensitive about.

Disturbed by these revelations, I confided in Mark about the hurtful remarks I overheard. He assured me he’d speak to them about their behavior. It seemed to work because their offensive remarks stopped, at least for a short while.

When our daughter Lilith was born—a name deeply rooted in my family's tradition despite its evocative meanings like “night” or “ghost”—his family couldn’t hide their disapproval. This criticism was tough, leading me to distance myself from them for a while.

Recently at a family gathering for my mother-in-law's birthday, the rudeness reached a new height. As guests fawned over baby Lilith, my mother-in-law grew visibly irate due to the diverted attention. I was already struggling with postpartum depression and was not comfortable with people handling my newborn. During dinner, I overheard my sister-in-law bitterly criticizing me to my mother-in-law in German, calling me derogatory names.

Fed up, I confronted them in fluent German, expressing that I’ve understood their jibes all this time, but insulting me directly was unacceptable. The table erupted in chaos—everyone blaming me for the outburst. Overwhelmed, Mark and I left, and we’ve not engaged with them since.

Thinking about the outcome makes me wonder, if my story was part of a reality show, how might audience reactions be shaped? Reality TV thrives on conflict and dramatic reactions, and no doubt, this unsettling family dinner would make a compelling episode. Viewers might side with me for standing up to the harsh treatment or perhaps criticize me for my response to the family’s behavior. It's fascinating and a bit alarming to think of personal strife as a public spectacle, but it could also be a platform to discuss genuine issues like postpartum depression and family dynamics.

Am I bad here???

Was I right to confront my in-laws in German?
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Points of view

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1mo ago

It sounds like you might've overreacted in that situation...

Everyone has stressors post-move, and cultural adjustments can be rough. however, why let it fester all this time rather than addressing it upfront?

I get that postpartum depression is tough, but lashing out at a family gathering doesn't seem like the best way to handle it, even if you were provoked; sometimes, effective communication is about timing and setting.

Maybe a private conversation would have been better. it's crucial to consider the potential for misinterpretation when feelings run high, and that includes taking into account how others perceive and internalize your actions.

1mo ago

wow, I totally feel for you!!! I get how tough family can be, especially when they're rude... it's not cool at all... after I moved in with my in-laws, I heard them badmouthing me too - it was brutal... you did the right thing confronting them!! you got to stand up for yourself... they were way out of line... we all got limits, and you reached yours.. honestly, they should apologize... keep your head up, you're not in the wrong here;

1mo ago

Families can be really tough to deal with sometimes. You handled it better than I would have, honestly.

When I moved abroad, I also faced cultural tension and it wasn't easy. Standing up for yourself was the right move. But I wonder if there could have been a different approach? Still, their behavior was clearly unacceptable, especially during your postpartum period. Just focus on your well-being and your kids😊

1mo ago

I really think you were out of line here... I get that: they were rude... but blowing up at a family gathering isn't cool!

I had issues with my in-laws too... but we talked it out calmly :) It's important to choose your battles and maybe this wasn't the best way to handle it. Families are tricky but yelling usually makes things worse... I'm sorry you felt bad but there could have been a better way!