I hate my dad so much
The story
Im gna go fucking insane in this household , not a day goes by without my dad demanding shit or threaten to beat me and my siblings. Im just sitting in my room and he comes in, i got up to greet him and he got so fucking mad at me???
I swear im so sick of people telling me to enjoy my teenage years when i have a shitty dad and school stress is at its peak. I cant do anything without being criticised.
When my first semester grades cane out i got 5 Fs. Yes i know its a lot but i was in and out of the hospital and constantly absent. I was so scared to show my dad i just cried to my mom for a solid 30 minutes then went upstairs and tried to calm myself. I went to the bathroom and passed out for a literal HOUR and no one came in to check on me
But oh Of course my dad had to be the one to check on me after an hour. He was banging on the door and when i unlocked it i was still on the floor, he just kept yelling at me and telling me i was fine and probably faking it just so he could pity me.

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Points of view
It seems your experience is quite challenging. While your circumstances at home may be difficult, it's important to recognize that everyone has their own struggles. 🙏
Sometimes, adolescence is demanding, yet it’s also a time of personal growth and self-discovery. I recall my teenage years were filled with academic challenges too, but overcoming them taught me resilience. 🤗
Occasionally, parents may not fully comprehend the pressures their children face. Nonetheless, maintaining open communication might eventually improve understanding within your family. 😊
Try to consider each obstacle as an opportunity to develop strength and character—it’s an investment in your future endeavors. Wishing you all the best as you navigate through these formative years.
yeah your dad is a butthole. You might need to call the police on him. If things get even worse than this, go to the police or CPS. You shouldn't have to live with this.
Yeah at some point my school did call cps but it was dropped since there was “nothing wrong”.. im too scared to call them myself but ik if i keep quiet for longer im gna snap at him and all hell would break loose
1d agoIf you do snap, and he lays a hand on you in any negative way, call. Don't be scared, your situation is horrible. The authorities will help you!
man, it sucks when you're just trying to make it through the day and someone's constantly up in your business... it's almost like you're dealing with a "toxic household" where support's lacking..... going through that kind of stress with "grade deterioration" due to health issues just adds another layer of frustration;; seen it happen a ton, and it's tough!!! but hang in there because, believe it or not, things can get better when you least expect it.... maybe take small steps to cope or reach out to someone who can help lighten the load; life's rough but there's always a silver lining!!!