I thought Saturn in opposition was over??

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Sunday, 05 January 2025

The story

My child has being struggling with mental issues for a while now: first it was eating disorders, following depression, anxiety and now also OCD with Germ phobia. With the right help we were able to cope with anorexia and anxiety but no matter how many times they changed her medications (kind or dosage) nothing is helping her with depression and her OCD got so bad that she barely lives a normal life (but fortunately she was able to get to the last year of college this year). When she is with others she puts on an act, you can tell something is off but not as bad as when she is home. Sometime it is so frustrating that I would like to cry, or scream or just get the door and escape. Believe me, I know it is harder for her but seeing your child living like that makes a parent heart ache. I am continuously worried about her future and it breaks my heart seeing that she is not able to live her life at her fullest when other people that would don't have the luck to do it. At times I feel so guilty of not being able to help her and mad at all the specialists she got to see during these years that didn't make her improve at all, actually I see she is getting worse. But than I realize I can't blame them totally because since she has been an adult I am not involved in her session at all and she lies a lot on what the reality is and being everything on video calls now, I think they can't really realize how bad the situation is.

I am tired, overwhelmed, disappointed, upset, sad...but I don't know what to do anymore to save my little Princess from herself.

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ShiningBrickMetalPicnicBasketInTokyoWithGratitude 1mo ago

really sorry to hear about your challenges, it sounds like a tough situation 💔 it's important to remember you're doing the best you can!

might be a good idea to explore new therapists or approaches? since mental health journeys ain't linear, stay strong for your child and don't forget to seek support for yourself too!

Author 1mo ago

Thank you very much, I appreciate your suggestions.

FunkyAquaWoodCookieJarInHonoluluWithGuilt 1mo ago

oh man that sounds rough 😢 it's messed up how these so-called professionals can't help your kid and just make things worse..!!! like seriously what's the point???? seen too many friends go through this crap and it's heartbreaking!!!!! your kid deserves better than this endless cycle.. depression and OCD are no joke and it's crazy how they keep missing the mark. keep holding on but damn it's tough!!!

Author 1mo ago

Thank you for your empathy.