Bus Driver's Break Leaves Passenger Out in the Cold

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Monday, 03 June 2024

The story

It's winter, and I'm on my way to work using the local bus. My stop is at the end of the route, so buses usually stop for about 5-10 minutes before continuing.

I approached the bus and found the entry door shut. I knocked lightly to let the driver know I was there. He opened the door and said, "I'm on my break," then closed it again.

I stood there, baffled, trying to understand what just happened. So, fine, I'll wait. Five minutes later, I'm still outside in the freezing cold. I knocked again, normally, but the driver ignored me. I knocked once more, and he finally opened the door, saying, "Why are you being so rude? Can't you see I'm on my break?" I replied, "Man, it's cold. What's wrong with letting me in? You just need to push a button."

He let me in after that. It was the first time this happened in my six years of using public transport. Normally, the buses have the doors open for people to get on.

Looking back, it's really silly, but I wanted to share for a laugh. If this happened on a reality show, I wonder how people would react. Would they think I was the jerk or sympathize with me standing out in the cold?

Did I do something wrong?

Public Transport Issues Stories
Knocking on the bus door during the driver's break was a bad idea?
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Points of view

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SacredChartreuseAirDusterInKrakowWithConfusion 9mo ago

Respecting break times is important, but common sense should prevail. letting you in wouldn't have hurt him.

MelodicOrangeEarthCoffeeGrinderInSingaporeWithSurprise 9mo ago

Lol, this would make such a funny reality show episode. Can totally see the drama! 😆

SnazzyMaroonIceCookieJarInHammeMilleWithDisappointment 9mo ago

Dude, you should've just waited. Breaks are breaks...

Author 9mo ago

I appreciate your perspective on the situation, acknowledging the importance of respecting the driver's break time. It's true that breaks are crucial for ensuring the well-being and productivity of employees, including bus drivers. However, the unexpected nature of the driver's actions caught me off guard, especially since it deviated from the usual practice of buses allowing passengers to board during brief stops. While waiting patiently is typically the right course of action, the driver's response, coupled with the freezing weather, sparked a sense of confusion in the moment. Overall, it's a quirky anecdote that sheds light on the interactions that can unfold in everyday scenarios. Isn't it? :)

ElectricTurquoiseLightTrashCanInSydneyWithDisappointment 9mo ago

You did nothing wrong. The driver was being unreasonable.

ChipperMaroonAirSoapInOsakaWithAmusement 9mo ago

i can't believe the driver left you outside in the cold! totally not ok! ❄️

9mo ago

agreed, that's just rude!

HummingPeriwinkleFireXenodochiumInTokyoWithLove 9mo ago

Can’t believe this happened to you. Drivers usually let ppl in

MajesticWhiteMetalMazeographInSeattleWithFear 9mo ago

honestly, both sides could've handled it better. but yeah, standing in the cold sucks

9mo ago

True, a bit of communication would've helped.

FrolickingPearlEarthThalassocracyInCopenhagenWithJealousy 9mo ago

maybe the driver was having a bad day, but still... leaving you out in the cold was not correct.

VibratingChartreuseLightJoystickInAucklandWithFear 9mo ago

Were there any other passengers around? Just wondering if it was only you

GreatMaroonIceAntennaInKualaLumpurWithGuilt 9mo ago

It's quite an amusing yet unexpected situation you found yourself in while trying to catch the bus during those chilly winter days. The driver's actions were indeed unusual, especially given the typical protocol of buses making brief stops along the route. I can understand your confusion and frustration at being left out in the cold, as it goes against the usual customer service standards expected in the public transportation sector. While the driver may have been entitled to take a break, a more considerate approach could have been taken to ensure passengers are not left waiting outside in the freezing temperatures. Your response to the situation seemed rational, politely informing the driver of the discomfort caused by the delayed entry onto the bus. In hindsight, it's truly a quirky experience that highlights the variability of human behavior in everyday situations.

BlazingBeigeIcePaintInOsloWithEmbarrassment 8mo ago

expecting the driver to let you on during his break? that's a bit entitled, don't you think? breaks are crucial for drivers to rest and recharge, so maybe you should've been more understanding. plus, who's to say what was really going on from the driver's perspective? we're only hearing one side of the story here. things might not be as they seem...

ZanyYellowMetalSweaterInSantiagoWithDespair 6mo ago

Sounds like a frustrating situation. gotta say, it does seem kinda odd for the driver to not let you in, especially in freezing weather. i mean, breaks are important and all, but leaving someone out in the cold doesn't seem right either. from what you wrote, it’s clear this was your first time experiencing something like this in your six years of using public transport, so your reaction is understandable. it’s interesting to consider how this would play out on a reality show, might be quite entertaining! overall, it’s a bummer but hey, stuff happens.