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Thursday, 30 January 2025

The story

This one will be short.

In preschool... They say it gets better in elementary school.


It doesn't😑.


In elementary school... They say it gets better in middle school/junior high.


It doesn't😑.


In middle school/junior high... They say it gets better in high school.


It doesn't😑.


In high school... They say it gets better in community college.


It doesn't😑.


In community college... They say it gets better at University.


It doesn't😑.


They say it gets better once you start working after college.




I honestly don't know if it does... But if my track record is the same... Then...




It doesn't😑.

But that could just be me... I'm happy and jealous of all those who are successful in the school and career lives!! Hats off to ya! A round of applause! Wolf whistle in the back!


I sad🥲.

Points of view

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DazzlingVioletAirBinderClipInWarsawWithFear 16d ago

Hey there, I gotta say, I completely get where you're coming from, but I kinda disagree with the overall vibe of the story. I mean, sure, I get it.. not everything magically gets perfect at each new stage of life. 😅 But in my experience, things do change, and sometimes for the better.

Like when I hit high school, I finally met people who got me. Yeah, dealing with school can be rough, but each step has its own perks. Maybe it’s more about what you make of it than just waiting for things to get better. 🤔 When I went to college, I found my passion, and that totally saved me.

Even if things seem harsh, remember, Dumbledore once said, 'Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times if one only remembers to turn on the light.' Keep your chin up, you might be surprised by what comes next!!

Author 16d ago

I'm glad you had a better experience then me🫠. I was spending my time with the parents and teachers when I was in HS😅. I got to hear all the gossip about their kids. My school was a mixture of Middle and High. But in total the school has at most 100 students. My graduation class was the biggest in years😑. 21 or 22 student in total for my graduation class🤔. Didn't like any of them🫥. And I was right next to my ex from my middle school days. Why? Cause our last names were alphabetically one after the other🙃.

And I had ZERO genuine interests/hobbies that I personally liked. So, it was hard for me to connect with people. Same as today. I just moved from where I was at. And I don't know who I am, what I am, and where I wanna go. I'm sorta a blank canvas. I know what I don't like... Which some say is a step. But due to my long list of dislikes, friends in any circles... At least for me... Are hard to find✨👀.

I also get the sense that the quote you mentioned is from Harry Potter... I've never actually seen it or read the books, but I know the memes... So I know that particular characters name😅.

But thanks for your positivity... We all need some positive vibes in this world and I'm definitely not one of them🫠!!

ShimmeringPearlShadowUlulationInBuenosAiresWithAmusement 16d ago

Honestly, I couldn't agree more with your story!!! Each time they said it would get better, it really just stayed the same drag. In high school, they promised more freedom, more excitement; but nope... it was just more homework and stress. Been there, done that, and it sucks!!! But hey, I've learned that the real game-changer is finding what you're passionate about and diving into that!!! For me, it was in starting to paint and it's been my peace amidst the craziness. Keep your chin up, and focus on what really makes you happy because that's where the magic is.

Author 16d ago

I'd love to find my passion... Unfortunately I've tried a lot and didn't like any of them. And there are some I'd never dive into... Like horror, spicy food, or the ocean blue(underwater diving specifically). But trust me... I've tried... It's part of my chameleon-ness. I change to please others... And that's honestly hindered my growth due to me not really knowing if I genuinely liked something. I've tried most art forms. I've tried different sports that fit my frame and build. I don't tried different food, or making food. I've tried baking too... Um flour isn't supposed to be crunchy apparently... Which I thought sugar was flour🫠. Trying to be interested or at least knowledgeable enough about certain movie, TV, books, and theater plays... It's hard when there are people truly passionate about certain topics or hobbies, while I usually just scratch the surface. But I'm now 23 and trying not to be a potato🫠.