Friendship Tested: Drama and Discord on a U.S. Road Trip

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Sunday, 16 June 2024

The story

I just got back from a 10-day vacation across the USA with a good friend, and it turned out way different than expected. I'm eager to hear your thoughts on whether I'm making too much of this and what you might have done in my shoes.

The trip started off well—we saw amazing sights, enjoyed delicious food, and had a great time together. However, certain actions from my friend bothered me. For instance, at the Metropolitan Museum in NYC, she got way too close to the artwork, practically pressing her nose against a painting by Monet. Even after a guard intervened, she didn't seem to understand the issue. She also ignored common etiquette in the subway by not standing on the right side of the escalator, and climbed on a historical monument at George Washington’s Mount Vernon just for a photo.

Things really escalated during our time in Washington DC. On our last day, after visiting the museum of African American culture, we were planning to see the Supreme Court and the Library of Congress. Out of nowhere, a girl from back home in Belgium recognized my friend; she was an old middle school classmate. My friend ignored me and spent hours catching up with her, leaving me to roam the museum alone and eventually missing out on our scheduled visits. I tried contacting her multiple times with no response. When we finally reunited just before the museum closed, she brushed off my frustration, leading to silence between us for the rest of the trip.

It was our first trip to the States (we’re both 24 from Belgium), and we had previously traveled to several countries without any issues like this.

Imagine if this was all happening on a reality show! The cameras would emphasize every awkward moment and every confrontation, potentially blowing things out of proportion. Viewers would likely pick sides, speculating on the drama and maybe even rooting for it to escalate. It’d be interesting to see if public opinion would lean towards sympathy for my situation or if they’d view my reaction as an overblown response.

What would you do if your friend ditched you on vacation?

The story in video

What would you do if your friend ditched you on vacation?
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Points of view

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4mo ago

sounds like your friend was a bit inconsiderate. that's a tough situation, being ditched on vacation like that. 🤔 maybe it was just a misunderstanding, but it's understandable you'd be annoyed. could be worth having a calm chat once you're back and things have cooled off. just to clear the air, you know? 🤷‍♂️

4mo ago

Wow, that sounds like a seriously wrong situation, buddy. your friend's behavior was totally out of line, no question about it. I've been in a similar jam once, and it ain't a pleasant experience, let me tell ya. Wonder what was going on in their head to act like that. Just not cool.

4mo ago

i must say, I see things a bit differently from you. 🤔 Certainly, your friend's actions were unconventional, but perhaps it's worth considering their motives before jumping to conclusions. In my experience, sometimes people have reasons we may not immediately understand. Maybe a heart-to-heart chat could shed some light on the situation and lead to a better understanding between you two. After all, a little bit of empathy can often bridge the gap in even the most puzzling scenarios.

4mo ago

hey, sounds like your pal was a real piece of work on that trip. total lack of respect for your plans and feelings. no wonder you were steamed. but hey, maybe there's a silver lining here. could be a chance for some real talk, ya know? "get it all out in the open" kind of thing. might just clear the air and make things better between you two.