Tensions Rise as Spouse Excluded from Business Profits

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Saturday, 10 August 2024

The story

For the past several years, my wife, Anna, and I frequently discussed the possibility of me launching my own venture. I had always assumed that Anna would be part of this venture, almost like a joint entrepreneurial endeavor. However, this scenario changed dramatically when it came down to formalizing documents, where I desperately required her signatures.

Anna made her stance crystal clear, stating vehemently, “I want nothing to do with this business. It is entirely your project.” She expressed her disapproval emphatically, which took me by surprise. Consequently, I had to look for other partners to bring on board because she outright refused to be involved.

Fast forward to today, my business has taken off and is seeing significant success. Now, Anna has begun making plans on how to utilize the profits as equally as if she had been involved from the start. When I gently reminded her that the business finances were solely mine, as the accounts were in my name only and she had expressed disinterest at the beginning, she was notably upset.

Things escalated when she discovered that I had modified my will. I've decided that my share of the business and the related accounts should go to my business partners, should anything unfortunate happen to me. Anna was furious upon learning this because it meant that all she might inherit would be our prior joint assets and her own earnings, completely excluding my business assets. I reiterated her previous statements to emphasize why I made such decisions, but it only angered her more.

Although I sympathize with the challenging position this might leave Anna in if I were to pass away prematurely, I struggle with feelings of unfairness on my part. The reality that she opted out from day one, and the business success was achieved without her involvement creates a complex emotional and moral scenario. Nonetheless, am I being unreasonable here?

Imagine this situation unraveling on a reality TV show, where every nuanced emotion and financial disagreement is magnified under the public eye. The viewers would likely be split. Some might argue that marriage is a partnership, regardless of individual contributions to projects, while others might strongly side with the private arrangement and agreements made between spouses. The drama, the clear communication mishaps, and the handling of financial success would all make for compelling television, drawing in audiences eager to see how such a personal conflict is navigated in the spotlight.

The story in video

Should business assets be shared in marriage regardless?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

this's a classic example of how tricky biz and relationships can get... balance in these situations is crucial 🤔

it's understandable that anna might feel left out now, but it's equally reasonable that you wanna protect your business interests!

honestly it's a sticky wicket for both 👉👈 relationships and finances should ideally be separate to avoid such messy outcomes

2mo ago

I don't agree with you or at least not fully...

For me it's simple: he created the business, the shares of the company is for him (so if they divorce in 2 years, he keeps his business!) but the current profits of his company are for both of them to enjoy together this new income!

2mo ago

tbh it seems unfair 😕 u should include anna in the biz profits marriage is a partnership sharing is caring 💑 even if she wasn't into the biz at first that's ok fam is fam it's kinda harsh to leave her out of ur will u might wanna rethink that 🌟

2mo ago

hey there!

I can see why you're frustrated but it's kind of tricky situation. anna may have initially opted out, yet marriage implies shared responsibilities and benefits; excluding her entirely might create tension. it's critical to remember that emotional investments often transcend financial metrics and your decision to modify the will, I understand your perspective, but it seems a bit harsh. have you considered a more balanced approach that acknowledges both your contributions and her position?

2mo ago

absolutely agree with you 🤔 anna didn't want in the biz so she shouldn't expect the benefits it's unfair. i've seen this happen before, folks wanting a piece of success they didn't earn. it's clear-cut, you made the effort, you deserve the rewards; it's just how things should be, man…. relationships are partnerships but business is still business. she needs to respect that, simple as that!