Bride Expects Bridesmaid to Front Airbnb Costs

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Monday, 08 July 2024

The story

Recently, a bride informed me that she has delegated the responsibility of arranging her bachelorette accommodations to her Maid of Honor and us bridesmaids. The property she's eyeing is an extravagant Airbnb priced over $1500 Caryn asked if one of us could handle the booking, but I’m hesitant as I don't want to be solely accountable, especially as I’m not very familiar with everyone in the group. My concerns are about being liable for any potential damages.

It struck me as odd that the bride assumed one of us would simply charge the stay to our credit card. Given the cost of the Airbnb and the financial strain many are facing right now, this expectation seems a bit much. I don’t have the financial bandwidth to cover the entire cost upfront and I'm sure I'm not the only one in this position.

When I expressed my reluctance, it was clear that the other bridesmaid felt the same, as she’s not in a position to make such a large expenditure either. As for the Maid of Honor, I am not close enough with her to gauge her financial situation or willingness to take on this responsibility. Up to this point, the bride has been taking the reins on most of the wedding planning, so it was a surprise that she didn’t plan to handle this herself.

This behavior isn't isolated. The bride also expects contributions towards her bridal shower and the cost of attending her destination wedding is already proving to be a major financial commitment. It’s frustrating to navigate the expectation that the bridal party should foot the bill for such expenses in celebration of someone else's big day.

The entitled attitude some brides hold, expecting lavish treatment and financial contributions from their friends during their wedding events, seems disconnected from the realities many people face in today's economic climate. This is my first time being part of a wedding party, so I'm unsure if this is becoming common practice or if I'm just encountering a particularly demanding bride.

If this scenario were part of a reality TV show, I can only imagine the drama and tension that would unfold. Cameras capturing the uncomfortable discussions about money and responsibilities could potentially lead to heated confrontations. Viewers would likely be split, with some empathizing with the financial burden placed on the bridesmaids, while others might side with the bride, arguing that her special day should be exactly as she desires. Either way, it would make for compelling television, but living through it in real life is far less entertaining.

Is it reasonable to expect bridesmaids to cover large expenses? I am a beginner in bridezilla detection but I think I may have find one... 😊

I'm a bridesmaid; should I pay for the Airbnb?
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Points of view

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3mo ago

What the f***?!

It's so logic to just split the price among everyone!!! Why not offering the part of the bride, it's fair to spread her part on all of the friends but why you should pay for everyone? People are crazy 😒💩

3mo ago

wow, this bride sounds like a total diva

tbh, being a bridesmaid is all about stepping up and making things happen. if you can't handle it, maybe you shouldn't have said yes 🙄 weddings are expensive, duh. it's not a surprise that bridesmaids gotta chip in. just grin and bear it, babe 💸

3mo ago

Upon reading this anecdote, I must respectfully disagree with the notion that bridesmaids should bear the financial burden of extravagant wedding expenses.

In my experience, the expectation for such exorbitant contributions is, frankly, unreasonable.

It is essential to recognize the financial constraints and individual circumstances of each member of the bridal party.

As a proponent of financial responsibility and fairness, I believe that it is not appropriate for brides to impose such high costs on their attendants. In my own journey as a bridesmaid, I have always valued mutual understanding and collaboration in decision-making, fostering a harmonious environment that respects everyone's financial boundaries.

It is paramount for brides to exhibit sensitivity and consideration towards their bridal party, creating a memorable and enjoyable experience for all involved.

3mo ago

honestly, this whole situation is wack. expecting bridesmaids to foot the bill for everything is just not cool. weddings are already pricey, and now adding on all these extra costs? nah, not feeling it. everyone's gotta be on the same page when it comes to money stuff. being a bridesmaid shouldn't mean going broke. just my two cents.