Relationship Tensions Over Unopened Birthday Gift

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Sunday, 28 July 2024

The story

My girlfriend Ellie recently celebrated her birthday. We kept the celebration low-key with a little gathering at our place since she really dislikes opening presents in front of others, something all our friends are well aware of. Hence, she decided to open her gifts later that same night after everyone had left.

A couple of days after her birthday, she received a package from my parents. They tend to go big with gifts as they're quite well-off and had picked out a high-end designer purse Ellie had shown interest in during our last visit. My parents had snapped it up that same weekend to save for her special day. Ellie had already texted them a thank-you in advance, mentioning she'd update them once she’d opened it. Nevertheless, the gift remained unopened on our dresser for days, making my parents anxious enough to send a message inquiring if she'd looked at it yet. I prompted Ellie about when she might unwrap the gift, to which she simply answered, “soon.” I have to admit, I was eager too, knowing how much she wanted that bag.

As more days passed without the gift being opened, my parents followed up again. Feeling pressured, Ellie asked me if I could request them to back off. She explained that the pressure was taking the joy out of it for her, making her reluctant to open the gift at all. To me, this was baffling. There was no audience, just a simple unwrap and a follow-up thank-you would suffice—much like how it was with the earlier gifts from our friends. Frustration set in on both sides when I voiced this, and she retorted, “you just don't get how uncomfortable it makes me.”

Nearly a week after the gift arrived, my parents contacted me privately to enquire if Ellie liked the purse. Upon learning it was still unopened, they wondered if they had somehow crossed a line. Their past gifts hadn’t stirred such a reaction, and truthfully, I found it somewhat discourteous of Ellie not to at least acknowledge it by now.

Last night, while Ellie was out with friends, I decided to take matters into my own hands; I opened the gift myself and placed the bag prominently on the dresser, hoping to alleviate the pressure off her so we could all move past this awkwardness. I thought I was doing her a favor. However, she didn’t see it that way when she returned home. She was upset, revealing she had suspected the bag’s identity and felt uncomfortable about its lavishness, admitting it wasn’t the right time for her to open such an expensive gift. I argued that it was somewhat impolite to delay further, but she countered that it was more inappropriate for me to open it for her. The evening ended tersely, and this morning was no better, the purse still untouched on the dresser where I left it.

Imagine if this had unfolded on a reality show — the cameras zooming in on the unopened designer gift, the audience perhaps sympathizing with Ellie's discomfort or criticizing my impatience and breach of her privacy. The scene would certainly stir up strong opinions among viewers, polarizing comment sections and probably spawning a fervent discussion about boundaries and empathy in relationships.

The story in video

Points of view

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2mo ago

man, i totally see where you’re coming from with the whole gift thing, like you’re just trying to ease the tension, right, definitely feel for your parents too, they must be so anxious waiting to know if she liked it, it’s nice you took the initiative to solve the problem, “sometimes you’ve gotta take the bull by the horns” you know, but yeah, maybe ellie’s feelings got kinda overlooked in the process there

really sounds like everyone’s just trying to do the right thing but getting their wires crossed, i mean, “the road to hell is paved with good intentions” as they say, it’s gotta be tough balancing everyone’s emotions and expectations, totally tricky situation, seems like a chat about boundaries and understanding each other’s comfort zones could really help here, just my two cents

2mo ago

nah man i dont really agree with you there... this whole thing coulda been handled better.. you know she has a hard time with opening gifts but you still opened it for her!

thats kinda not cool maybe should have given her more time or space instead!! your parents woulda understood.... eventually just gotta communicate better next time dude 🤷‍♂️👜