I feel undatable

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Sunday, 12 January 2025

The story

When i tell you that every single one of my friends is talking to a guy, i am not kidding. I have not had a single boyfriend my entire life, no situationships, not even a talking stage.

I have this one friend, lets call her jenna, she is in a month long relationship with this guy that another one of our friends, madison, used to date. Madison has had almost 3 boyfriends since her and this guy, the one that Jenna is now dating, broke up. My other friend, layla, is talking to this guy on snap and gets asked for her number like every other day. Even my really introverted friend, ashley, has secretly been texting this guy sense the begining of the school year.

And its not like im some random person that just lurks in the corner at my school, I sit with a pretty popular group of people, though i am the most quiet in that group. And its not like im super unattractive either, i mean i definitely am not pretty pretty, but i like to think i am average. i mean every now and then a couple girls from school will just walk up to me to tell me i have really pretty eyes, so that must count toward smt, right?

Not to mention, i see guys looking at me when they dont think i see them. BUT NOBODY ASKS ME OUT.

And whenever i do like a guy that i think likes me back, because they are lit always looking at me (im prob just delulu), they always end up liking someone else. One of them was the guy that was texting with ashley 😭 (but i didnt like him, he isn't my type).

I mean for the first couple years of school since i moved to this new state i was the stereotypical nerdy girl, so that might have smt to do with it.

Honestly, im probably just overreacting, it just kinda upsets me that nobody wants to date me.

Thx for reading this, hope u have a good morning/afternoon/night!💕

Points of view

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GoldenAquaMetalAbsquatulateInSydneyWithConfusion 1mo ago

omg, u know what, i totally get u!!!! like seriously, it's so annoying when everyone is talking to someone and ur just there like... 🙄 what???!!!! guys are just so weird sometimes. i mean, same boat!! like all my friends keep jumping from one ship to another and im just here watching netflix lol. it's like im invisible or something, even tho ppl say my hair looks nice, like, who cares???? 🤷‍♀️

u'r not overreacting at all, it's frustrating!!!!! and those "they look but don't ask" situations?? been there.. like, do they even know what they're doing??! 🙄 probably not. and can we talk abt how friends are just constantly in and out of relationships?? confused???? idk what their secret is. seriously!!!

anyway good luck!!! maybe we should just start looking at cats instead of boys 🤣🤣

AncientAquaFirePliersInSydneyWithDisappointment 1mo ago

yo i feel u 100%!!! like, it's so frustrating when everyone is boo'd up and ur just chillin' solo... sometimes it feels like ur in a different world or something. but hey, maybe it's just timing or some other cosmic nonsense.

my experience is the same!!!! been waiting ages for someone decent to notice, but nah, crickets!!! 🙄 nothing wrong with being independent tho. lowkey think dudes are just blind or something, like come on already!!!!

hang in there!!! sometimes solitude ain't a bad gig 😉 keep doing u.

HummingCyanLightVorticalInBogotaWithHope 1mo ago

truly empathize with your situation 😊 sometimes it feels like a game of chance: it's a bit confusing..

personally think that everyone has their unique timing and experiences no need to rush!!! maybe the right circumstances just haven't aligned yet...

being single ain't the worst thing, focus on what makes you happy... eventually, things might shift!

maintain positivity and stay true to yourself such things have a way of resolving organically :)

PlayfulTanLightningThumbtackInAlentejoWithGratitude 1mo ago

Take it from someone who didn't have a GF well into their late 20's, having a relationship isn't always what people make it seem. I always saw people I knew dating someone or being with someone and I wanted it too, My family would always ask why I wasn't married yet or dating anyone and I got so desperate I would pray for anyone to come into my life. Well someone finally did come into my life and let me tell you, it wasn't what I had wanted, it was totally different than what I envisioned. I say enjoy life, if at some point someone does come into your life make sure they love you and respect you as much as you love and respect them. People think having someone else is the answer, but sometimes that can create more trouble than it's worth. Enjoy your life, have fun, and don't wait for people to come to you, if you really like someone go to them, who knows they may be just as shy as you and are scared you will reject them. Last of all don't always focus on looks, just because someone isn't beautiful on the outside doesn't mean they aren't beautiful on the inside.