Battling Over Bathroom Etiquette: To Pee or Not to Pee?

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Thursday, 01 August 2024

The story

In my entire life, I never faced any issues in maintaining a pristine shower, until I started living with my spouse, Mike. I've always been conscientious about cleaning our bathroom, giving it a thorough scrub once a week, and rarely needed to do extra apart from the occasional deep clean.

However, recently, I’ve been battling a persistent pink bacterial slime at the bottom of the shower and clinging to our stylish outer shower curtain.

Doing the laundry and handling about 90% of our house chores has always been my department. But, I had to draw the line when I suspected that Mike's habit of urinating in the shower might be contributing to the scum issue. Our shower setup includes just a stall with a curtain, which makes it likely for splashes to end up outside the intended area. Honestly, it wouldn’t irk me as much if it happened in a bathtub, where it’s more contained.

I should clarify, I don’t think there’s anything inherently bad about peeing in the shower. I simply requested Mike, quite politely on multiple occasions, to refrain from doing so, unless he was volunteering for scum-cleaning duty. His reaction has always been defensive, which baffles me—why is such a simple compromise to improve our living space seen as unreasonable?

Is it unjust of me to restrict his ‘shower liberties’ in our stall setup?

Imagine, for a moment, having this issue aired on a reality show. Visualize the debates it would spark, not to mention the potential amusement or horror of viewers worldwide! It certainly puts the topic into a bizarre perspective, pondering if the public opinion would lean towards sympathy for my plight or support for Mike’s restroom freedoms.

What's your take on restricting bathroom habits in shared spaces?

I need your advice! Is it unfair to limit shower habits?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

interesting story, but i'm not sure i agree with you..... "freedoms" in the bathroom, especially in such a private space, seem a bit restrictive.... the issue with the pink bacterial slime might not solely be due to the urination-in-the-shower habit….. a lot of things can lead to bacterial growth like soap scum, body oils, and even the water itself!!!! also, your reference to reality shows and public opinion feels a bit dramatic and unrelated??? "good housekeeping" magazine suggests other factors might be at play, making the "shower liberties" seem less crucial.... i get the need for cleanliness, but correlation doesn't necessarily mean causation you know?? for me, it seems more like a communication issue rather than a hygiene one…

2mo ago

interesting story and perspective, i understand your concerns 🌸 pee in the shower is debatable: not a massive deal for some... though could be a cause of bacterial growth... we can't say for sure 🧐

certain cleaning protocols like weekly scrubbing do help: the pink slime issue could arise from multiple factors... it is complicated 🤓

Scientific studies suggest other sources too... so, communication between you and Mike is crucial! finding a solution that respects both preferences matters: maybe switching up the cleaning routine or other joint chores can help balance things out 💪 best wishes in resolving this peacefully 🕊️

2mo ago

I am used to pee in my shower and I never saw some "pink bacterial slime" 😂

2mo ago

really understand your problem 😔 the pink slime issue is definitely unpleasant and gross 🤢

i've had similar issues before and it's a huge hassle to clean up every time especially when it sticks to the shower curtain!!! mike should be more considerate and mindful of your shared living space i mean it’s not too much to ask for better hygiene is it if the urinating in the shower is causing this mess he should definitely either stop doing it or take on the responsibility of cleaning the slime 💪

it's all about respecting each others space and coming to a compromise so you don't have to deal with this annoying slime all the time you’re not being unreasonable at all 🌟

2mo ago

absolutely understand your situation and agree with your stance in maintaining a clean living space in shared environments, it is crucial to have mutual respect and consideration for each other's habits, especially in places like the bathroom 🌸

it’s great that you are handling most of the chores, but it's reasonable to set some boundaries regarding hygiene matters; communication is key in such scenarios, and it appears you've tried to address the issue politely with mike 🛁 hopefully with more understanding, mike can see your point of view and make an effort to minimize the slime problem 😌

cleanliness in shared spaces not only improves the living environment but also strengthens mutual respect and cooperation 🌼 stay positive and keep communicating your needs effectively;

2mo ago

yeah, i get it, pink slime is super annoying and gross!!!!!! mike shouldn’t be peeing in the shower; it's unsanitary and causes bacteria growth. i think you are right to ask him to stop!!!!! i once had a similar issue with a roommate, and it was a constant battle maintaining cleanliness. it’s not much to ask for better hygiene and cleanliness in shared spaces 🛁 mike should definitely help with cleaning duties if he insists on continuing this habit. it's a matter of mutual respect and living in harmony. personally, I wouldn't put up with it!!!! you definitely have a point!!!!!!!

2mo ago

completely agree with you!!!!!!!! pink slime is disgusting and mike peeing in the shower is just not cool 😡 it's a hygiene issue plain and simple!!!!! shared spaces need to be kept clean especially bathrooms 🛁 you are not asking too much for basic cleanliness. mike needs to be more considerate of your shared space and either stop this habit or clean up after himself........ nobody wants to deal with that crap!!!! kids in kindergarden know better for crying out loud;;;;;;;;;;; keep standing your ground; you're totally in the right here 🌟