Babysitting Drama: Demanding Payment from My Sister

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Sunday, 25 August 2024

The story

Over the past couple of years, I've been assisting my sister, Emily, with caring for her two young children. This arrangement started during the pandemic when both she and her husband found themselves overwhelmed with managing remote work and looking after their kids. At that time, it felt natural to offer my help without expecting anything in return, considering the circumstances and the family bond we shared.

However, life has since returned to normal, and we're both back to our regular routines with demanding jobs and personal commitments. Despite this change, Emily continues to expect that I would babysit at least once a week, often more. What troubles me is her lack of acknowledgment; there's never any offer of payment, and not even a simple word of appreciation. It seems like she's taken my willingness for granted, assuming I'd always be available.

Last week, I reached my limit and expressed to Emily that I could no longer provide free babysitting services. I explained that if she needed my help, it should be reciprocated either through payment or with gratitude. Her response was far from understanding—she accused me of being selfish and insisted that family should always be ready to help each other without expecting anything back.

I believe in family support, but it feels like I'm being exploited. All I'm asking for is some recognition for my time and effort, or maybe even a break now and then from this commitment. Emily's reaction has been to stop speaking to me, and our parents are pressuring me to apologize just to smooth things over.

Honestly, this whole situation has left me wondering if setting these boundaries makes me unreasonable. It makes me think about how this could play out if it were part of a reality TV show, where family dynamics are on full display. Would viewers sympathize with my need for appreciation, or would they side with Emily, viewing my requests as unnecessary family drama?

I'm curious, what do you think?

I'm babysitting for free; should I ask for something in return?
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Points of view

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1mo ago

nah man, i totally don't vibe with your story.

family gotta help each other, no strings attached👐

if you start puttin terms and conditions, where does it end??? Emily's got her plate full too it's just how it goes; it's like that quote, "family means nobody gets left behind": it ain't about payment or thanks... just being there and doing your part!

hope y'all can sort it out without all this drama ✌️

1mo ago

man, i totally get where you're coming from!!!! it ain't cool for your sister to just expect free babysitting all the time like that...

“good fences make good neighbors,” and i think that applies to family too... it’s all about setting boundaries!!!! sure, family should help each other, but there’s gotta be give-and-take, right???? she can't just take advantage of your goodwill forever!!! hope you guys can work it out, but honestly, she needs to show some appreciation...