Friends With Benefits Destroyed Me

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Wednesday, 27 November 2024

The story

Friends with benefits destroyed me.

I know I'll be overly dramatic when I say this, but for me it's darkness. It's an addiction, really is. Addiction to something that's doomed to end.

I really poured my heart into her. I was so passionate with everything I said, crafting each sentence with beautiful care.

An hour ago I was sexting her, sending her my nudes, excited for what we had planned for tomorrow, and just a few minutes ago she said she wants to keep it just a friendship.

A part of my soul ripped from my chest just like that. I can't get my head straight, I am on the verge of tears but those assholes won't come out. My head is spinning, and hurting horrendously due to the lack of sleep caused by texting her late at night.

In an instant I went from being stupidly excited, to feeling my soul bleed. I was robbed of my well-being, and she DOESN'T EVEN REALISE, BY THE WAY... I really don't know what to tell her..

I know I did this to myself, I really shouldn't have cared about her that much given that it wasn't a relationship.. but i couldn't help it..

Friendship Stories

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JazzyBlueEarthLadleInGenevaWithPride 3mo ago

It's not that deep friendships with some fun are meant to be light and easy, right? Think about it like this: life is like a box of chocolates you never know what you're gonna get... maybe she wasn't your forever person! But there's plenty of fish in the sea; gotta stay hopeful buddy there's someone out there who's eager for what you bring to the table! 😉

Focus on the fun times and move forward! It's hard today, it will be easier tomorrow...

SilentAmberMetalRefrigeratorInLagosWithFear 3mo ago

so, here's the thing, man... I kinda get where you're coming from, but still... friends with benefits is a bit like playing with fire, you know?? 🔥 everyone talks about the "risk-reward ratio" in investment terms, and this situation is no different; it's crucial to maintain emotional boundaries, or it can get messy fast!!! 😥

MysticalVioletLightningBlanketInAmsterdamWithSadness 3mo ago

totally get you, bud. it's tough when the "emotional investment" doesn't pan out as expected. friends with benefits often leads to "emotional volatility;" it's hard to keep feelings in check. you put in the effort and got your heart mixed up in it, which is so common. it's a bummer when it ends like this, but sometimes that's just the way these dynamics roll.

just hang in there and give yourself some time to heal.