My Girlfriend's Odd Request: No Standing Peeing

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Wednesday, 07 August 2024

The story

Just the other day, my partner Sarah and I had one of our first big disagreements since moving into our new studio apartment together. It’s a cozy setup—just a single bedroom and bathroom—that had been working out pretty perfectly for the both of us until this issue popped up.

The conflict arose unexpectedly one evening as I was getting ready to call it a night. Sarah approached me, quite seriously, to discuss something that, to me, seemed rather odd. She expressed that she really wanted me to stop urinating while standing up. Her reasoning was that it’s unhygienic and she disliked the idea of possibly stepping into accidental spills.

I’ve always been considerate about making sure the bathroom remains clean, especially since we share such a small space. I'm careful not to leave any mess, always ensuring that nothing escapes the toilet bowl, and I make a point to flush with the lid down to keep things sanitary.

Nevertheless, Sarah was adamant. She wasn’t convinced by my assurances and reiterated her stance against me standing up to pee, branding it as gross regardless of how clean I kept things. This is where I found myself puzzled. After all, we split the rent equally, and it’s as much my home as it is hers. Surely, I thought, I should have the freedom to use our bathroom in a way that I find comfortable, especially if it doesn’t compromise cleanliness.

Imagine how this would blow up if it were captured on a reality TV show! The viewers would probably be divided, with some sympathizing with Sarah for advocating for cleanliness and others rooting for my right to convenience in my own home. It would definitely spark debates on living together etiquette and personal space.

Now, here I am, caught in this peculiar dilemma, questioning whether such a small aspect of our daily lives should really be causing such a big stir. It just seems somewhat ridiculous to me. What do you think? How would you handle this if you were in my shoes?

Should I compromise on how I pee to appease my girlfriend?
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Points of view

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2mo ago

hey there!

it does seem a bit excessive to make such a fuss over this small matter 🙃 you know it's just pee... right? lol!

my partner and I had a similar hiccup when we first moved in together: last year he got all worked up about how I leave the toothpaste cap off 😅 sure enough we had a bit of a heated discussion over it but in the end we both learned to compromise!

sometimes folks tend to overreact when they share tight living quarters like a studio ==> I feel like it's more about setting boundaries and respecting each other's habits than making a big drama out of it 🙂 maybe you could suggest a middle ground? like always wiping down areas or maybe just sit down during late-night trips to the bathroom

2mo ago

this is absurd! I mean come on... Sarah really thinks making such a fuss over standing or sitting to pee is important 😒 your dedication to maintaining a pristine bathroom should be more than enough to squash any concerns she has about hygiene and cleanliness especially in such cramped quarters where every bit of personal space counts 🏠

2mo ago

i totally get where you're coming from!!!! ur point about cleanliness is spot on, dude; me and my roomie fought over who gets the top kitchen cabinets?? dnt let it stress u. ur place, ur rules💡 just seems like a no biggie issue to me;;; like, y u even arguing,,,,,

2mo ago

man, you got a point here; it's your place too, so you should have the liberty to do what feels right for you. my partner once freaked out about me leaving my shoes by the door—everyone’s got their quirks.

seems like Sarah needs to chill a bit, honestly. your cleanliness already keeps things tidy, so what's the big deal? 🙂 "live and let live," right? hope you guys can work this out without blowing it up. stay cool and keep things in perspective.