They don’t get it
The story
Im struggling, but they tell me it’s an excuse and im just lazy. Sure im lazy on terms but it’s more than that. They say they understand but they clearly don’t when i tell them why they just tell me im making up stuff. I suffer from Diagnosed ADHD and I haven’t been diagnosed for depression but im pretty sure I have it. I have no motivation to do anything anymore, well not anything but you know. A lot of the things I used to enjoy it takes effort to do. And I’m failing classes, but I don’t know how to explain it I just can’t find the motivation to do anything outside of school, including homework. I have to legit force myself to do homework. And then my parents pressure me by threatening to take my phone away, which, valid, but for me it’s my only safe place because I have a lot of friends on here who actually understand and know things that my parents don’t because they would accept me. I feel like crying everyday but there’s no tears that come out. I just wish my parents knew how my brain worked and what I was feeling even though I still don’t fully understand. I guess life really isn’t fair.

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Points of view
seems like you're in a bit of a pickle with this situation :-/ gotta say, juggling adhd and possible depression ain't an easy feat... hang in there fam! it's important for your parents to get the lowdown on what you're dealing with!
maybe a chat with a counselor could help bridge that gap? connecting with friends online who get you? sounds like it's your jam but maybe also find a hobby that sparks joy those vibes could help lift the fog... keep fighting the good fight, you're not alone 😉
dealing with adhd and feeling down is tough but saying it's a reason for not doing stuff might not fly with everyone... like my old man used to say "life's hard then you nap": sometimes it's about pushing through, even when you don't feel it!
maybe try breaking the work into bite-sized bits or finding a study buddy? if tech's your escape maybe mix it up a bit and read or do something offline... it's like they say: sometimes you gotta just roll with the punches; I feel for ya tho but keep your chin up!