I like a guy who doesn't like me back
The story
I like this guy, c, he is cute, funny, sweet. Literally checks all the boxes.
I've known C from school for 2 years but the first time saw him I was sitting I
In the school cafeteria and saw him walking by through one of the windows. My first thought was "oh, he's kinda cute". I didn't have any classes with him that year and didn't see him until the first day of school the next year.
The first day of school came, and because I am sooo lucky, I had art first period with both of my younger sisters. We arrived to class and he assigned us seats. I was sitting at a table with a girl and guy who are a grade lower than me, same grade as my sisters, and C. (C is in the same grade as me). Over the next 3 months I had the best time at this table, he made me laugh so hard.
Suddenly, my art teacher gave us new seats, and I wasn't sitting with C anymore. I was already sitting alone at lunch so being isolated from people who made me happy sucked even more. Eventually this really kind girl, G, invited me to sit with her and her friends during lunch. Me and G are now best friends. Well one of these girls, K, like C too. I was to afraid to tell anyone of my crush, plus I also wasn't sure it was a crush yet. Unfortunately, k and c ended up dating for a while and I decided I would never tell anybody my crush. Well the school year came to an end and they broke up. I left him alone and didn't see him again until next school year.
This school year c was in my science class. The second I saw him all my feelings immediately came back. He would occasionally talk to me and I would catch him looking at me across hallways and the cafeteria. I was elated. Little did I know my school was going to bump up to advanced science. I, of course, took the opportunity as it gave me a high school credit, unlike the other course. So, things went along as normal, c would still look over at me and I would look over at him, but neither of us ever made a move.
Then I have a sleepover with G and she convinces me to get his number and text him. She ended up finding his number and texting him on my phone, I was scared shittless, like I was a HOT MESS. He ended up not remembering me from art, or knowing my name, or even the fact that we had science together a month ago. That hurt, like a lot. I gave up, he wouldn't start the conversation, his texts were dry, and he never talked to me in school. Of course I would still get butterflies whenever we were close to each other, but I tried to convince myself I didn't like him. I told my friends my crush was over, I didn't text him again, and I pushed all thoughts of him out of my brain.
(This is like 2/3 months later)
I here one of my friends casually mention that C and V make a really cute couple to my other friend. My heart dropped. V was the one girl at school that I would constantly compare myself to.
She's prettier than me, has more friends than me, is cooler, taller, funnier, hotter, of course c wanted her, hell I wanted to BE HER.
I pushed down my feelings but now G is dating one of Cs friends so whenever me and G hang out with Gs bf he's always there, and it's SO AWKWARD CUZ I STILL LIKE HIM AND I THOUGHT HE LIKE ME
but apparently I'm just some delusional teenage girl who actually needs to chill out, cuz he has a gf, who's not me.
I don't know what to do, I've tried liking other guys, but I almost have to force myself to like them. I've tried ignoring him. I've tried talking to my therapist about him, not the fact that I still like him but she was there for when I started texting him and stuff.
If you guys have any suggestions for getting over somebody, that would be great.
Love y'all!💕

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Points of view
Wow... What a rollercoaster!!! 😊 I totally feel you. I've been through a similar situation and, honestly, it's tough as nails!!! It's pretty whack when feelings just don't seem to match up!!! I get it, been there, done that!!! Life throws curveballs, huh??? I tried moving on too... easier said than done, right??? You're doing your best, and sometimes that's all you can do!!! Keep your chin up, things have a way of working out in bizarre ways!!! You'll laugh about this someday, trust me!!! Hang in there!!!
Oh man!!! 😅 I totally get where you're coming from, and it's totally relatable!!! High school crushes are a crazy ride, for sure!!! You're handling it like a champ, though!!! Feelings are wild, aren't they??? Sometimes things seem rough, but you'll grow from this experience!!! Keep being you, and remember that life's full of surprises!!! Stay positive and hopeful!!!! 😊 You deserve all the happiness, no doubt!!! Keep your head up, brighter days are ahead!!!