The story
i am ussaily a kind person. i take care of my family whether it be my adoptive parents and siblings or my biological family. i have always wondered though why doesnt anyone wanna take care of me? you know love me they way i love them. Now i am fine by myself most of the time but sometimes i need love too. i wanna be taken care of i wanna be asked how my day was or how am i today. but its like no one is really worried about me or what am i doing. so for me to be able to feel some kind of love i get into relationships. i was with this one boy who loved me endlessly but there were things in the relatioship i did not like. he didnt want me to be me. he didnt aprrove of my friendships or that i went to parties to drink or nothing. he just wanted me to stay home locked in my room because thats what he liked to do but i personly did not want to because of the fact that its hard for me to keep friends if i dont go out people wont nessacrily care about what i do and he knows that. and maybe he was just trying to protect me but i just couldnt do it there were so many things that differ from us. and so it fissed out after a while. and now i am single and i hear the rumors about me being spread that i cheated on him or that he cheated on me but idk imk confused but i was so desperate for love somewhere i didnt even care if he did cheat on me or not it didnt seem tht big of a deal to me. i just wanted someone to be with me through it all. now i am talking to this boy and i am asking him questions that i didnt ask my ex in the begingg because i am scared this new boy will be the same as my ex. i just want to be loved like truly loved by someone. and i dont know what to do because i do love myself but i am ready to be with someone who loves me to.
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Points of view
I totally get where you're coming from with this story! It's like, why is it so hard for people to give back the same kind of love and care we show them? 🤔 I've been there myself, always wondering why the affection I give isn't reciprocated. Relationships can be a real minefield, especially when you're just searching for genuine love; but hey, props to you for recognizing what you need and moving on from what doesn't fit!
I've had a relationship where I couldn't be myself, and I swear, it's a form of self-torture!!! People need to allow each other the freedom to be individuals, not cage them in! It's smart that you're asking the right questions now, man. Shows you're ready for true love and aren't settling for less... In my opinion, it's all about finding that balance and never losing sight of self-love. Keep being true to yourself, and that real love will find you!
1mo ago100% agree with you!
don't be dating people that don't accept the true you, if you do then that means that they are weird and they don't actually love you. Love is where the person loves the true you and not the idea of you.
Love is also where they set boundries and let you have a say in what you can do and what you can't do.
Btw how was your day today? i hope things go well with you and this new boy!!