What are your love languages?
The story
My personal love languages are quality time, words of affirmation, and physical touch.
Yes, a person can have more than one love language. And technically, according to the 5 Love Languages... Food isn't one of them😂!
Food most likely is part of all of them other than words of affirmation... Unless one uses foods to describe their romantic partner🤔. Or uses food to convince their romantic partner via analogies in conversation🧐.
Most people I've meet are hard to interact with in terms of the words of affirmation😭. I've seen and heard a lot of the rest of the Love Languages being preferred. But society has a tendency to focus on actions more than words. But I personally feel very loved if someone actually talks to me. Both in-person and texting and calling. I don't need to take up their whole day, but I'd like to talk with someone... Anyone... Who doesn't feel overwhelmed by my talking style or texting style 😮💨. I genuinely don't think there's anyone out there who'd remember, comment, and enjoy reading 2 pages of texts🫠. But I enjoy words... I really enjoyed hearing ones poetic self. Even if it's not profound... If it's original and coming from the heart that's all that really matters to me. Plus honesty of course... Cause someone can create and original and one from the heart, but sometimes the heart isn't always in-tune with the mind. That may sound confusing... And it's around 1AM. So, I'm a bit tired. So ignore any parts that you don't understand... Cause I starting to not even understand what I'm saying either🥴.
By the way, where are the bestest places to make online friends or find online dating🫠. That's safe and valid😑. Cause I technically, at the moment, can't leave the house due to social anxiety... And other reasons... But I'd still like to make friends. Even if it's not romantic partners🙃.
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Points of view
Dude!!! I totally hear ya!!! Love languages rock… Words of affirmation??? Sooo underrated??? I mean, everyone’s all about actions… right???!!! But talking??? Yeah, like who even gets it???!!! Lol... I kinda relate, but you know… It’s a wild world out there??? I tried texting peeps like that once!!! Overwhelmed much???!!! Good luck with online friends!!! Not sure where to start???! Hang in there!!! Keep believing!!!!
11d agoI totally feel you on this one! Words are magic, right? Actions are cool, but words hit different; it's like people just don’t get it... I remember trying to keep up with all those long texts too—talk about info overload! 😅 Navigating the digital world for connections can be daunting, though. It's like an endless maze. But hey, stay optimistic! You never know what you might find.
I agree in the sense that society needs to focus on words more... But actions are technically the most powerful in terms of keeping a relationship together. Words are there to express why they did a certain action. Or why they feel a certain way. Cause actions are what people see, while words are what people hear. And they cover two senses. So, with them working together... One can be a decent human being! This might be random, but CEO's... Stereotypically... Are good with actions and words... Cause that's all they do for work, is figure out how to get sh*t done, and explain why they did it, how, and what it's for. Of course there are those stories of CEO's having a brooding exterior, but a puppy soup deep down. I know that was a tangent🫠.
And on another note... I'd love to fine "my people" who text essays to me🤩🙏🏻✨!! I enjoy reading about people's life, interests, and goals. And it's hard to cover that when it's a back-and-forth conversation of short clipped texts🫠. But I understand that some people wanna meet in person to discuss all that. But if you're like me... Then that's not really an option. Since I stay in my room and I only can talk to my friendo who lives in California. And I now live in Nevada. And I don't see my friendo [name implied here] that much. Maybe once a year... So texting long stings of texts helps each of us catch up. Even when we lived right down the street from each other... We'd text a lot, cause she was always busy, or I was always busy😮💨. And when we see each other in person... We talk till our throats get sore😂!! My bestie since elementary😄!! But again, it's hard to find what some would consider "your people/my people".
10d ago"We talk till our throats get sore" 🤣
I get where you're coming from, and I respect your feelings, but I kinda don’t vibe with the focus on words of affirmation, y’know? 🤔 Actions speak louder than words, right? And to be honest, I’ve found that endless texting can feel overwhelming.
I once tried to keep up with someone who sent novel-length texts, and man, it wore me out. 😅 I think genuine connection matters more than just words. But hey, everyone’s different.
I did mention my 3 love languages at the top, and I put them in order of importance to me. So, I agree that quality time(AKA actions) mean more and definitely have a high impact on a romantic partners life. I was emphasizing the words of affirmation part since these days, a lot of people my age struggle to communicate in a manner that's beneficial for a relationship. It's all jokes and no serious talk... Or it's all serious talk and no jokes... Having a balance is good, but being around people whom I've met and communicated with has shown me that the communication department needs help🫠. And I get that... Like I said, my texting style is obviously not for everyone, and you're one of those great examples😄👍🏻✨. Which is why I usually change my texting style to fit those around me. But if you ever find someone who enjoys texting a lot, just know they usually they mean well and wanna share fun stuff, or their struggles, or just wanna talk with someone and they have a lot to say😅?
Some people also text a lot cause they think they'll forget to say it later(that's me🙋🏻♀️)!
Eat good food and drink lots of water😋👍🏻✨!!