Dad Resists Naming Son 'Archibald'

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Monday, 10 June 2024

The story

I, a 36-year-old man, am married to a woman named Laura, who's 34 and expecting our son. Early in the discussion about baby names, Laura suggested we name our son after her late grandfather. His name, which we’ll say is Archibald, seemed outdated and likely to bring about teasing, so I suggested it as a middle name instead to avoid any ridicule. Laura agreed, and it seemed settled.

Recently, Laura's new colleague, Ocean, who practices a pagan faith, has become a good friend of hers. Laura, finding joy in Ocean's beliefs, decided to convert and started incorporating things like sage and crystals into our home for her rituals. However, things took a turn when Laura attended a séance at Ocean’s place, where they supposedly contacted her grandfather's spirit. She came home convinced that failing to name our child Archibold would curse him. Despite my objections and concerns for our son's wellbeing with such a name, Laura insists, driven by her newfound spiritual beliefs, that it’s the only option.

The tension escalated when she locked herself in our room after I stood my ground. Ocean has even messaged me on Instagram, criticizing my stance and calling me a bad father. Now, I'm trying to make sense of this and could use some outside perspective.

Imagine if this was all playing out on a reality TV show. The cameras would definitely zoom in on the dramatic séance scene and Laura locking herself away. Viewers would probably be split; some might sympathize with her spiritual experience while others could argue the impracticality of naming a child based on a séance. It’d be a perfect mix for heated panel discussions and social media buzz, turning our personal dilemma into a public spectacle.

Points of view

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4mo ago

sorry this sounds like a crazy mess! i mean come on, a séance really? naming your baby after a spirit? that's just wack 😳 ain't no curse gonna come from this. Laura needs to calm down and think straight. ocean needs to back off. this drama is too much, man. just name the baby something normal and be done with it.

4mo ago

Sorry but this scenario is just plain ridiculous. Like seriously, a séance to decide on a baby name? 🤨 That's just too out there for me. And what's up with this Ocean person, trying to manipulate the situation and guilt-trip the dad for not going along with this whole charade? I mean, really? People need to get a grip and focus on what actually matters. This drama is next-level, and I'm shaking my head at the whole situation.

4mo ago

Utilizing a séance to determine a child's appellation connotes a departure from conventional wisdom and may introduce unwarranted complexities. Moreover, the intervention of an external party, Ocean, appears to muddle the decision-making process unnecessarily. In my professional opinion, the utilization of sage and crystals in a domestic setting for spiritual rites is somewhat unorthodox and potentially impertinent to the situation at hand.