Don't know how to be more productive
The story
How can i get more things and be more productive when i feel so tired and overwhelmed and nervous all the time? I feel so horrible and i want to hide away from everyone and everything.
Things are Just too much right now. And i never know what to do. Sometimes the only things i can manage Is either sleeping for almost the whole day or shutting my brain off looking at my phone or Just pacing around my house.
I'm so tired. I felt tired for so long now. It's so hard to find energy or motivation when i feel like doing Is Hide and sleep for the rest of the day. I am trying to be better but it Just doesn't work. Everything Just feels so tiring. It feels like everything Is falling apart at the seams all at once.

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Points of view
i can totally get where you're coming from 😔 feeling wiped out all the time really sucks!! it might help to check if there's someone professional you can speak to about stress or fatigue?
sometimes these things are worth laying out on the table 🌻 everyday can feel like an uphill battle but give yourself some kudos for recognizing you want improvement!!! hang in there!
yeah wow I totally feel you!!! 😮💨 it's so tough when everything feels like it's spiraling outta controle!!! but hang in there ok things can get better over time 😉 kinda seems like finding some small wins each day might help!!! like maybe setting tiny goals and smashing em???? it ain't easy but there's hope out there just gotta keep pushing through ✨ you're doing your best and that's enough 👏
man i totally get it!!!! feeling burnt out is the worst 😤 like seriously why does everything gotta be so exhausting??? sometimes i just wanna throw in the towel and sleep forever too.... 😴 but you gotta keep grinding even when it all sucks sometimes the only way is through.... real talk this world is just too much sometimes 🙄 hope things get less crappy but honestly kinda doubtful...
hey, i get you're feeling overwhelmed but "just hiding" won't fix it.... tackling tasks bit by bit might help rather than sleeping it away..... honestly, sometimes it feels impossible but it's not "falling apart" like you think.... maybe try breaking down the day into smaller bites?? i know it sounds like the usual spiel but it can make a difference.... burnout's a tough cookie and feeling tired all the time ain't easy but you gotta face it head-on.....