I hate school.

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Published on
Friday, 07 March 2025

The story

So I'm continuing a rant I made on here I accidentally posted unfinished (here it is, btw)

So basically, I'm in online class due to having this heart problem that's called VSD (ventricular septal defect), and it makes me lose my breath easily, and I get palpitations every time I run. So there's no hope of actually going to face-to-face schools due to walking long hallways and going up stairs. And there's barely anyone in my online class that I can be friends with. It makes me feel a little lonely, and I'm an introvert. But just because of the sole reason of wanting to be alone, I don't want to be lonely, y'know? And because my class starts from 8am to 4pm, I have to stay home for 8 hours, which makes me feel a little isolated inside my house. And when I go out, I can barely even have fun anymore since I always lose my breath so easily. I can't even swim in cold pools and beaches since I get cold so easily. At family gatherings, I can barely even hang out with my cousins since they go out every night. I can't, though. It's basically because I get cold so easily and I can quickly get sick and have a runny nose. I barely even have any friends to talk to; last time I went to school when my disability wasn't a challenge, I had tons of friends. But now, I've only had one friend from my old school that still keeps in touch with me. And she has regular class, so I can't really chat with her every day. Plus, I barely know anyone that shares the same interests as me. Sometimes during online classes, I use my phone during lessons. And technically, every now and then I use my phone to cope with the fact I barely have any friends to talk to and have fun with because I find it fun to use my phone since it's not reality; it's the opposite. It's getting out of reality.

Now getting to my main point, I feel so lonely. Like even an online class is isolation at this point. It's the reason I'm an introvert. At this point, I was made to be an introvert. I'm always alone; I barely talk to anyone anymore; I barely talk to my only friend because I have no enthusiasm to hold a conversation these days... I feel like something's wrong with me. I feel so bad for ignoring her. But I can't find any joy in continuing to talk to her. I don't know what to do. She's so kind too. She's my best friend. She doesn't even know my disability. I keep it a secret since I feel like she'll judge. But I know she won't. I just don't know why I continue to not tell her. I feel so bad. And I feel like my online class is the reason. I feel so isolated, I can barely have fun anymore. I can't even hang out with people my age in my neighborhood due to my disability. So I just stick to cellular devices. I hate online classes. I skip. And now I regret it. I've already been scolded for doing so. But I still keep doing it. It's causing my academics and grades to crumble. I do bad at school now, even before I skipped online classes. I always used to be a 90+ in my old school. Now I'm an 80-91 student. I hate everything about online classes. The school, my teachers, the isolation I feel, the loneliness, my grades—I feel so insecure. And the only reason I accepted going to this school and taking online classes was because I had no choice. My other school's tuition was something my parent's could barely afford. And the online class thing, it's because of my disease. I turn to God and worship him so I wouldn't get in trouble. I would pray I didn't. Plus, just now, I had a grade of 76, and my mom is asking the teacher's if I'm doing something wrong. I am; I'm still skipping. And I feel like I'll get in trouble today. Plus, I have exams next week. Am I just overdramatic because I'm young? I'm not even a teenager yet, nor older than 12. Am I just overreacting? I actually need help on this topic. I'm too scared to even vent to my mom since I keep every emotion bottled up. I want to cry every day. I feel so bad. I feel so guilty for skipping school now.

School Stories

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EmeraldPeriwinkleLightningPaintInOsakaWithAnticipation 2d ago

wow... sounds like a total drag 😒 online classes suck big time!!! it's like being stuck in a digital prison man!!! i get it, i did online learning once and it was a train wreck!!! 😤 being cooped up all day ain't good for anyone just makes you feel more cut off!!! those long hours are a real buzzkill, and who needs that stress, right??? like seriously, who'd want that life??? the networking is a joke too: meeting new people is impossible when you're trapped behind a screen!!! not surprised your grades are tanking.. it's a bad setup!!!

wishing you luck but not sure how much that'll help!!! 😬

EnigmaticOliveFireGlabellaInParisWithPeace 2d ago

hey, i kinda see your point but you might be looking at this all wrong... online classes aren't all bad; it's just a different learning curve… sure it's tough feeling isolated but that's not the only reality!!! 😅 "networking" online is still a thing—takes some getting used to!!! venting online might not solve everything maybe try talking to someone who gets it... pretty sure everyone’s got something challenging to deal with!!! school's just one part of the puzzle, you know...

BlazingBrownWoodHeadphonesInCopenhagenWithPride 2d ago

i see where you're coming from, but perhaps you're focusing too much on the negatives! =) online education, while challenging, offers significant benefits like flexibility and access to resources that might not be available in a traditional setting. the isolation you’re experiencing can be daunting, yet there are avenues, such as virtual study groups and forums, where you could engage with peers and build connections; it just might take some time and effort to find the right fit. understanding that everyone has their unique set of challenges could be a step toward finding a solution. while the transition may seem frustrating, acknowledging the positives could provide a more balanced perspective.