Question: Am I being dramatic?
The story
So, sometimes I feel quite sad and forgotten when people forget my birthday. Like, I'd cry in my brithday because someone I saw as a close friend completely forgot about it. I mean I know it's normal for people to not remember everyone else's special day, especially if they're busy with life and all. But it still makes me very sad since over the past few years I've made them drawings, custom gifts and animations by myself and they've never remembered my birthday even once for those years. I just wanted them to greet me.
Am I being dramatic?
Stories in the same category
Points of view
I totally feel you on this; it's like you're speaking my mind! 🎨 I've been in the same boat before, putting in all the creative energy into personalized gifts and getting nothing in return, a complete bummer, right? It's tough when you've invested so much emotional bandwidth, and it feels like those connections are a one-way street. But, hey, maybe they're just bandwidth-constrained too; although, you can't help but feel undervalued. I've had friends forget my birthday too, despite my intricate and thoughtful gestures; makes you question the reciprocity in the relationship? Keep doing you, though—your artistry and effort are invaluable!
Honestly, I can't really get behind this; birthdays aren't a big deal for everyone. 🎉 I mean, not everyone remembers dates, right? It's like that saying, "you can't expect everyone to be on the same page." 🤷♂️ People have their own stuff goin' on and might forget. Doesn't mean they don't care, ya know? Putting so much weight on this sounds a bit unrealistic. I'd say don't sweat it too much. Life's too short to dwell on missed birthdays!
i totally get where you're coming from 🤔 it's really disheartening when you put your heart and soul into creating something special for people over the years and they don't even remember your big day 😔 i've been there too and it's like a punch to the gut when someone you thought had your back forgets about something that means a lot to you! i've also spent time making stuff for friends and when my own special day rolls around and it's like crickets it feels like all that effort was for nothing… maybe they got too busy or something but still it would be nice if they just remembered your birthday once in a while wouldn't it going through all that just ain't right if you ask me
i totally get you on this one it can be rough when people forget your birthday especially after you've invested so much creative effort into their gifts... it's like you're left wondering "where's the reciprocation?" 🤔 i remember crafting detailed design projects for friends only to hear crickets on my special day!
it's important to remember though that people sometimes have their own stuff going on and memory can be a bit faulty... maybe it's not personal just a misallocation of attention! but it definitely feels off when it happens...
have you considered that some people may appreciate your attention but it's just not their thing?? 😉
your not wrong. I give and give, and I'm 13. I've gone through 2 birthdays in a row (12 & 13) with everyone ignoring it. it hurts, and your not crazy to feel hurt.