Struggling to Set Boundaries as a Single Mom and Friend
The story
I am a single mother of two kids (6 months and 5 years). I chose to be a single mother (my kids are donor conceived).
I’m lucky enough to have a good job as a French teacher in a private school, and I have a paid-off house thanks to my parents' life insurance and inheritance.
Before having my kids, I saved a year’s worth of living expenses so I could take a sabbatical to recover from birth and bond with them. While on sabbatical, I still tutor some kids for extra income.
My friend (34F) just had a baby 2 months ago. She is the breadwinner in her household, and her husband has been unemployed since he was laid off during COVID.
It was great to be pregnant at the same time as my friend and have someone with a newborn, but things have turned sour.
She’s been saying how jealous she is of me being able to take a whole year off work, how she wishes she didn’t have to worry about losing their home, and how she doesn’t even have a couple hundred dollars in savings, let alone a year’s worth of living expenses.
I usually ignore it or brush it off because I kind of understand the stress she’s under.
About 10 days ago, she started hinting that she can’t afford daycare, and any mention of her husband taking care of their kid is brushed off. She then started remarking on how much free time I must have, which I deflected by saying truthfully that being a single mom to a baby and a small kid leaves me no free time.
Last night, she finally asked if I could “do her a favor” and watch her kid while she’s at work. I was firm but polite when I said that I couldn’t; I am not capable of watching two kids under 6 months.
She started almost begging me, saying she can’t afford daycare and if she doesn’t go back to work, she’ll lose her job and they’ll end up homeless. I brought up her husband again, and she said he wasn’t good with kids and isn’t capable of taking care of their kid.
I kept saying no, she kept pushing until it escalated to her calling me heartless, and me telling her that it’s not my problem she chose to have a kid with a useless man.
Now she’s blocked me, and I feel very guilty about what I said. I feel like shit.
If this situation happened on a reality show, I wonder how the audience would react. Would they think I was being too harsh, or would they understand my point of view? Would my friend be seen as sympathetic, or would people criticize her for her choices and the position she’s put herself in?

Do you think I have been too harsh with my friend?
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Points of view
You did the right thing! It’s not your responsibility to fix her problems. 👍
9mo agoabsolutely, you have your own kids to take care of...
I feel bad for your friend, but you have to look out for yourself and your kids first.
Maybe you could have offered some other kind of help? Like finding resources or something?
it's so easy to judge but until you're in that situation, you never know...
You both need a better support system. This is hard for both of you. 😢
Honestly, she sounds kind of entitled. Expecting you to just watch her kid like that
Wow, that's a rough situation. But calling her husband useless was a bit much, don’t you think?
9mo agoShe was pushed to the limit! Sometimes the truth hurts.
Her blocking you was immature, but maybe you could reach out and apologize for the harsh words?
9mo agoagree, a little apology can go a long way.
Single moms have it tough already. You’re doing amazing, don’t let this get you down.
Thank you for your kind words of encouragement. The support and understanding from others truly mean a lot, especially during challenging times like these. It's reassuring to know that there are individuals who recognize the efforts and struggles of single mothers. Your words provide a sense of solace and motivation to keep moving forward with strength and resilience.
Honestly, I'd react the same way. You can only do so much for others when you're stretched thin yourself.
Considering the complexities of each individual's circumstances, it is essential to approach such situations with empathy and compassion. It is crucial to recognize the challenges faced by all parties involved and seek constructive solutions. Encouraging open communication and mutual understanding can pave the way for resolution. Our capacity for kindness and understanding can often lead to positive outcomes in times of distress. Let us strive to support one another in navigating the intricacies of life, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared humanity.
hey, not cool at all to speak to your friend that way. i get that you've got your own stuff going on, but her situation sounds super tough too. it's important to support each other, even when things are hard. i hope you can find a way to patch things up with her. everyone's fighting their own battles.
It is imperative to approach interpersonal conflicts with discernment and tact, as hasty judgments may exacerbate the discord. As
Maya Angelou astutely remarked, "I've learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel."
The feelings of both individuals involved warrant consideration, as perspective-taking is crucial in fostering empathy and reconciliation. Let us aspire to navigate interpersonal challenges with grace and empathy, striving for harmonious resolutions amidst adversity.