Dating and ... Plumbing!?
The story
First off, this isn't my own experience... I saw it/heard it while at Blaze Pizza.
I was eating some pizza with my good friend/neighbor. When all of a sudden... My neighbor started chuckling outta the blue. I ask her why she was laughing. She discreetly pointed to a table sorta behind us adjacent.
I then listened in. It was a younger couple around early 20's. I was in High School at the time. But the couples conversation was hilarious!!
Obviously the conversation was more hilarious for me and my companion. But they also seemed like they were on a first date. It definitely seemed like the most awkward date ever!
The dude was going on and on about toilet plumbing!! Something about how to properly make a toilet and the best methods to not clog the toilet! The girl looked like she wanted to be swallowed into a whole, or I guess... She wanted to be flushed down the toilet with how the date she was having was going!
My good friendo ended our meal before we could hear the end of how the date went... So I don't know if they had a second date... But who knows?
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Points of view
Ah ah, here's an original flirting technique for a first date 🤣
16d agoi would have liked to know how the meal ended for them...
So would I😮💨. But my friendo had to get back to work and it would look weird with my just sitting there...alone... After my meal... Right next to them... While I was the only other person there sitting outside... With the awkward couple there🤪!!
15d agoIndded 😅
People are weird 😂
Yes... Yes they are🤣!!