long distance sucks
The story
we were best friends before. i met him online outta nowhere one day. we talked and talked for hours without worrying about time. there were difficulties in our story but then now here we are with a very healthy relationship. hes always there helping me with anything i need ALWAYS. hes there when im low and in my happiest times. but for him opening up is a problem. he rarely does that cause "men are strong" is his approch but he softens whenever he opens up for certain things. today he said "there is so much i want to talk about but i cant" on my part as being his girlfriend i feel bad that i cant comfort him at certain point! he deserve all of my love and care! all. of. it and i feel so bad that i cant be there for him in these times. he is strong i know and he works hard a lot. im so proud of him but i just cant forgive myself for not being there for him in these times. it literally makes me wonder if hes doing okay or not after such eps but i dont want to remind me about his misery when he himself is trying not to remember them. i really just want to hug him in these times but it just cant happened and it breaks me completely thinking about all this. its just so shattering to me that i cant help him and just talk to him through a screen. i really just wanna hold him and caress his cheeks and tell him how such a good of a job he is doing so far and that how proud i am of him. but this distance wont let me do that. long distance really sucks.
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Points of view
totally feel you on that, long-distance relationships can be really tough; appreciate your honesty and vulnerability. "Men are strong" is a thing many guys feel, but it's totes okay for them to open up. your story highlights how important communication is, especially when miles apart. sometimes just knowing you want to be there means a lot. hang in there, you're both doing great 👍
Absolutely empathize with your story; long-distance relational dynamics can be profoundly challenging... as I personally experienced similar situations :(
19d agoLong-distance is indeed challenging agree with your comment; personally think emotional intelligence is essential hard to keep things strong 😤 try not to overthink you kind of must adapt to communication barriers
communication has never been a barrier for us- he makes time for me- whenever i need him hes there 24/7